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Sretenje – Statehood Day, public discourse, holiday reception, Europe, Google Doodle greetingsApstrakt
This paper deals with the basic ideas originating from the members of a committee appointed by the government of the Republic of Serbia to put together a proposal for a new state holiday at the beginning of the new millennium when political changes took place in Serbia. One of these ideas was that the holiday should be acceptable to a united Europe. This paper presents part of the research into the reception of Sretenje – Statehood Day: what we have shown to Europe and the world by celebrating Statehood Day, based on a representative sample of respondents from 2004, 2007, then 2008 –2011 and finally 2018 –2020. The paper contains an analysis of the ways in which the citizens of Serbia were congratulated on the occasion of Statehood Day by Google from 2012 to 2020, as well as the reception of Google Doodle greetings in public discourse.
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