Strong Ethics and Weak Subjects: Folk Corruption and Construct of Dinaric Type in Croatia
Ključne reči:
anthropology of corruption, Dinaric type, the nineties, racializationApstrakt
Academic and popular discourses on corruption are largely shaped by a specific viewpoint that directs the search for roots of corruption toward culturally and socially weak subjects. This article does not analyze economic, political, and legal aspects of corruption and clientelism, but instead points to projective mechanisms through which certain characteristics of corrupt and antisocial behavior are inscribed into citizens belonging to certain regions, classes, or cultures and then essentialized to the point of racialization. The presence of corrupt practices in this part of the world at the level of everyday popular discourse, but also within academic research, is often explained through the prism of cultural legacy and socialist, Balkan, or Dinaric mentality, which is the key focus of this work, are used as explanatory frameworks. This text analyzes knowledge production about the “Dinaric type” in the context of the anthropology of corruption as well as the function of that production in Croatia from the 1990s onward.
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