Ključne reči:
cognitive sciences, constructivism, anthropology, culture, environment, realityApstrakt
Cognitive sciences have initiated the revolution in the interdisciplinarity of the research of the human mind, but cultural anthropology as one of the founding disciplines has gradually withdrawn from this group. The reasons for this are manifold, but
the space emptied by anthropology has since then remained as such, or has been filled with predominantly psychological content or the content of cultural neuroscience. In recent years, developments in psychology, neuroscience and AI studies (shifts to constructivism) have led to a renewed call for anthropology to contribute its findings to an interdisciplinary understanding of the human mind and cognition through culture. This shift is evident in the field of environmental and space perception, which is pivotal
for the understanding of the concept of reality. The aim of the paper is to present findings of the comparative analysis of classical anthropological theories and emerging theories in other cognitive disciplines regarding this topic, especially in neuroscience.
The broader goal is to emphasize the importance of re-evaluating our categories of scientific disciplines and the separation of nature and culture as a distinguishing feature, and also to begin to fill the gap in the anthropological literature on this topic that has
existed for almost a decade.
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